Undergoing a facelift if one of the most effective methods of recapturing a younger fresher look and indeed outlook on life. There are many non-invasive cosmetic treatments available aimed at tightening and plumping jowls and turkey necks, yet nothing can compete with the dramatic results of a facelift.

Once you have had your facelift, it will be almost impossible not to count the days before you can show the world your rejuvenated appearance. However, it is this time immediately after your cosmetic surgery that you need to pay close attention and follow the post-operative programme outlined by your cosmetic surgeon.  For example, every patient of Dr. Pietro di Mauro, the only cosmetic surgeon in Marbella to offer deep plan facelifts, receives a personalised post-operative aftercare plan to ensure that you take the right care during the recovery process, otherwise you can jeopardise the results of your surgery.


A facelift is a serious medical procedure which will obviously result in a modicum discomfort, swelling and pain. However, the correct aftercare will minimise the risk of complications or infection and promote a timely recovery.


In the first 24 hours you will require complete rest with your head in an elevated position and you will be wrapped in dressings. It will be necessary to sleep in this upright position with only the back of your head touching the pillows. During this period, you will be prescribed pain medication to help prevent discomfort, which will make you feel groggy and unable to drive.

You will need to restrict your movements for around 7 to 10 days. This doesn’t just mean no sports or strenuous activity, instead you will need to limit all physical activity until you are feeling better. For example, you may experience dizziness or feel faint if you suddenly sit up, so you should make each movement slowly and carefully.

Also, try to wear clothes that don’t need to be pulled on over your head to avoid stretching and knocking your face.


After a major procedure it is not uncommon to experience some bleeding from the site of the incision. This is mainly due to raised blood pressure which can be caused by something as simple as coughing or bending over or straining whilst using the toilet. Restricted activity should go a long way towards preventing any bleeding, however, if it does happen you need to apply a cold compress and elevate your head.


Garlic, ginseng and other homeopathic herbs may be good for you in normal circumstances but they can also increase the possibility of bleeding after your cosmetic surgery. The same applies to any type of drugs that can prolong bleeding such as aspirin. Obviously, nicotine / smoking is detrimental to general health and recovery, so if you must smoke it is necessary to abstain for at least 2 weeks to avoid delaying recovery and the risk of complications.


The nature of cosmetic surgery means that you will experience swelling and bruising around the incision and in the surrounding tissue. In the case of a facelift, the swelling can seem immense, as any small amount of puffiness can change your features dramatically. Yet, it’s important that you don’t needlessly panic if you experience swelling on your face, neck, eyes or even chest as this is natural and it will subside after a couple of weeks. The swelling should start to subside around 3 days after the operation.  If you want to help the healing process and reduce the swelling here are some tips:

  • Do not lift anything for at least one week.
  • Do not bend over for one week.
  • Be careful not to touch your face, head or neck with anything (don’t pick up small children)
  • Use a cold compress with gentle pressure.
  • Keep your head elevated for at least two weeks.
  • Use any dressings provided for the appropriate amount of time (as advised by your surgeon)
  • Do not sunbathe (the incision should not be exposed to direct sunlight for 6 months)
  • Hairdryers should be used on the coolest setting for at least 2 weeks.


In order to heal, you need to look after your health and this means following a nutritious diet and making sure you are hydrated. This is particularly important after a general anaesthetic, as you will require plenty of liquids and protein. Drinking plenty of water will also help to prevent dizziness and nausea and constipation (remember straining on the toilet can raise blood pressure!).  The healthier and stronger you feel, the quicker you will recover.


Don’t be tempted to self-medicate or to drink alcohol, as this could have an adverse effect with the pain relief prescribed by your cosmetic surgeon.


Dr. di Mauro’s cosmetic surgery team in Marbella always stress that every patient is unique and will heal at different rates. However, if you are unsure or worried, you can always contact your surgeon for assistance or to simply address your worries.

If you would like to find out more about Dr. Pietro di Mauro’s cosmetic surgery procedures get in touch for a confidential no-obligation personalised consultation, by calling call 648 43 45 93.