Anyone considering undergoing plastic surgery, in Marbella or a clinic anywhere else in the world, it is important to take the time to find the best plastic surgeon, who has the right experience and qualifications.

Although cosmetic surgery may be categorised as elective surgery but you will still be having major surgery. Therefore, at the very least, you must have complete trust in your surgeon’s abilities, as the results can have a dramatic impact upon your life.

If you are unhappy with your profile and are considering a nose job, it seems a no-brainer that you will choose a surgeon with specialist experience of rhinoplasty. Similarly, if you want a facelift, breast augmentation or want to refine your silhouette with liposuction, you should only use a doctor who has the required expertise to fit your specific plastic surgery needs.

Dr Pietro di Mauro, who has trained with surgeons at the vanguard of their profession, like New York based Dr Andrew Jacono, an expert in deep plane facelifts and has gained experience and studied at some of the most prestigious hospitals and clinics in the world, including the Chiron (Madrid) and the Chelsea & Westminster (London) has provided a step-by-step guide to ensure you are fully informed before you make a decision about which cosmetic surgeon would be the best choice for you.

1.The right qualifications

Cosmetic surgery is a very specialised area of medicine, as you are choosing to undergo major surgery and trust that your surgeon has the right training and experience.  One of the most important factors and the biggest risk is if your doctor doesn’t have experience within the required field. For example, you wouldn’t ask an orthopedic surgeon to carry out brain surgery, as this would be out of their scope of expertise. The same applies to plastic surgery, not every surgeon is the relevant experience every procedure.

Start by looking if a surgeon has the court certification, training and hands-on experience of performing the type of surgery you require. For example, Dr di Mauro’s training and qualifications are clearly listed on his website. If you need further information, you can contact the surgeon to request more information about training, certification and accreditations.

2.Experience in the field of plastic surgery

When choosing a surgeon to carry out your operation, it is crucial that they have experience and a proven track record of carrying out the relevant procedure successfully. Do your research, check their success rate, if there have been any complications, and if so, how were they resolved. In general, the longer the surgeon has been carrying out the required procedure the more skilled they will be, after all practice makes perfect!

3.Medical facilities

An equally important aspect of choosing your surgeon is to find out where they are based and which clinics and hospitals they are affiliated with.  Are these medical facilities of a high enough quality? What type of reputation does the clinic have, including facilities, surgeons and patient care? Are patient reviews good? Is the clinic within easy reach of support services?

4. Reviews

If you want to know what patients think about a plastic surgeon you should look online. Today, virtually everyone has a social media presence and you can easily find patient reviews within a couple of clicks. Most reputable surgeons will publish patient testimonials, and even on the very few occasions when complications occur (the outcome can never be guaranteed, as each body is different and reacts differently to surgery), it is important to see how the situation was resolved.

5. Meaningful consultations

We are hearing more and more often of patients answering an advert for cut price plastic surgery in countries such as Turkey, and booking the procedure based on a short telephone conversation. It is essential for every potential patient to undergo an in-depth consultation with the prospective surgeon before making any decisions. 

It is during this consultation the patient must disclose any medical issues that would prohibit the procedure, discuss the desired results and reasons for undergoing the surgery. The surgeon will assess whether the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery based on their overall fitness, skin and mental health, and discuss all possible outcomes and risks. 

The human element is equally important, as you will be putting your health and wellbeing in this surgeon’s hands, so you need to know that you can trust them, there is clear communication and a pleasant bedside manner.  Dr di Mauro is adamant that this consultation must take place, in order for patients to make an informed decision based on all factors.

6. Post operative recovery plan

During the initial consultation, you will also be able to find out about the level of post-operative care that will be provided. Each of Dr di Mauro’s patients is provided with a tailor made post-operative care plan including any restrictions on movement, rest, the importance of keeping hydrated, how long you will need to wear a post-surgical bra after breast augmentation or compression bandages after liposuction, pain killers etc., follow-up appointments to assess the progress and emergency contacts should you have any doubts.

If you would like to find out more about Dr Pietro di Mauro’s cosmetic surgery procedures get in touch for a confidential no-obligation personalised consultation, by calling call 648 43 45 93.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

How long before I can go back to work after a boob job?

After undergoing a breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction surgery you will need to wear a protective post-operative bra for at least 24-hours. Everyone heals at a different rate, but in general it takes between 4 and 6 weeks to recover from a boob job, however, you may be able to return to work after one week, depending on the physical nature of your work. The best way to ensure you do not return too early is to discuss your progress with Dr di Mauro during your follow-up appointments. Read our blog, “Your complete guide to breast surgery recovery”.

What does male breast reduction surgery involve?

Gynecomastia, the term for enlarged male breasts, is more common than many people think. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be overweight, around 50 per cent of men are affected with this condition. However, the problem can be rectified by undergoing breast reduction surgery, which would involve removing tissue to achieve a flatter chest and liposuction for more masculine contours. You would experience some swelling, soreness and bruising and would need to wear compression bandages after the surgery. All being well, you could return to work after approximately one week.

Does Dr di Mauro have any patient testimonials that I can read?

Yes, Dr di Mauro has extensive experience of performing cosmetic surgery in Marbella. You can read reviews from patients who have undergone cosmetic procedures, from liposuction (including high definition Lipo Vaser), facelifts, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, eyelifts and much more.