Achieve a new you for the New Year with liposuction and healthy habits

Most of us start a new year with at least one New Year resolution, and one of the most common goals is to go on a diet and get in shape.  After all of the eating, drinking and relaxing over the festive period, after the initial push, when we don’t see any immediate results, it can be quite difficult to keep up the momentum.  And so, another resolution bites the dust.

How liposuction can help you feel better about yourself

There is a way that you can work towards achieving your long-term goal of getting in better shape and seeing almost instant results.  You could combine a healthy eating plan, gradually build exercise into your routine and also undergo liposuction.

For a diet and exercise programme to work, it is necessary to be in the right head space. You need to plan, commit and continue until they become second-nature. In order for this behaviour to become a healthy habit you need the impetus to continue and this means staying focused and keeping your eye on the goal.

Outpatient cosmetic procedure

Liposuction is a fast and virtually pain free surgical treatment that dissolves and removes fat, allowing you to improve the shape and contours of your body, with immediate results. Giving you the boost that you need to continue with your diet and exercise programme.  Imagine saying goodbye to your ‘bingo wings’ or flabby stomach, these cosmetic procedures can all be carried out as an outpatient with very little down time.

Consultation and expectations

As a leading cosmetic surgeon in Marbella, Dr. Pietro di Mauro, always insists on an in-depth consultation prior to any procedure. This is to ensure that you have realistic expectations and to establish your suitability.

It is important to understand that all bodies are different, age, general health, skin elasticity etc. and that no two results will be exactly the same. It’s also crucial to understand that liposuction is not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise or a weight loss solution. It is ideal for removing stubborn pockets of fat and creating a more pleasing silhouette, which could mean slimmer thighs, arms or back etc.

Type of Liposuction in Marbella

There are different methods available such as suction and ultrasound, which your surgeon will discuss with you and recommend the most suitable. Read our blog to find out the difference between a Liposuction, Lipo Vaser and Abdominoplasty. The outcome will depend upon the skill of your surgeon.

Recovering from Liposuction

Dr. di Mauro’s patients are provided with a personal post-op plan, which will include wearing compression garments for at least a fortnight to prevent fluid retention, swelling and folds. After which you can move on to softer support garment for another 2 months. However, you can return to work and resume gentle exercise after just a few days.

Every little helps!

A small cosmetic improvement could be the catalyst to lasting lifestyle changes that will make you happier and healthier.

To find out more about Dr. di Mauro’s liposuction techniques, experience and procedures, call 648 43 45 93 for a confidential no-obligation consultation.