If you are emerging from lockdown and seriously considering undergoing liposuction, you are not alone.

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty and lipectemy, is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedure in the western world for both men and women, and it’s easy to understand why.  The idea of banishing problem pockets of fat to achieve a perfectly contoured body is almost irresistible.

Just imagine being able to get rid of those pesky ‘love handles’, double chin or finally being free of those stubborn fatty bulges that just don’t seem to budge through dieting and exercise.  The most commonly known liposuction surgery is the ‘tummy tuck’ but in fact it can used to enhance most parts of the body from your buttocks to your back and breasts. It is also used to reshape other areas including thighs, ankles, calves, arms, necks and hips, any areas with good skin elasticity. It’s also an effective way to reduce male breasts and fatty deposits.

W H A T   E X A C T L Y   I S   L I P O S U C T I O N  ? 

The technique was first developed in the 1970s to remove excess fat from under the skin and is used for aesthetic reconstruction and cosmetic procedures.  There are a number of methods of liposuction, including ultrasound, laser assisted and tumescent using a special machine and metal suction tube called a cannula. There is also radiofrequency, a non-invasive procedure that melts the fat and tightens the skin.

H O W   I S   L I P O S U C T I O N   C A R R I E D   O U T  ?

Liposuction can be carried out either under local anaesthetic via IV sedation or general anaesthetic, and usually as an outpatient procedure. The method will depend upon your preference, health and age.  In some cases, an overnight stay may be needed.

C A N   A N Y O N E   H A V E   L I P O S U C T I O N  ?

Fantastic results and minimal risk aside, liposuction should not be considered as a shortcut to weight loss, more an individual procedure to treat a specific problem. You must have realistic expectations and not be looking for quick fix.

Before undergoing any elective surgery, you should be generally in good health and this includes a healthy weight, your skin must have suitable elasticity and you should ideally be a non-smoker. Whatever your situation, Dr. Pietro di Mauro will be happy to meet you and discuss your concerns and to suggest the right way to proceed to achieve the results you desire.

A F T E R    L I P O S U C T I O N   S U R G E R Y

After you have been taken to recovery and brought around from the anaesthesia you will be fitted with a compression garment to limit swelling and shrink the skin.  Once you are stable, you will be able to return home where you must follow the surgeon’s home care instructions, such as taking pain medication, taking only sponge baths for the first few days and refraining from stretching and lifting.

You need to be aware that you are going to feel sore and that there will be swelling and bruising which will disappear after around a month. The incision marks will start to fade after a couple of months. Throughout this period, you will need to continue to wear the compression garment, at least for a couple of weeks, to make sure the skin shrinks correctly. However, you will be able to gradually return to your normal level of activity within a few days to a week.

Follow up appointments must be attended to track progress which could be remotely, unless face to face consultations are needed to remove stitches etc.

If you are worried about any aspect of your recovery, it is essential to contact the surgeon immediately.


Call 648 43 45 93 for a confidential no-obligation consultation with Dr di Mauro or email [email protected].