Over the last few months there has been one focus for all medical professionals, which was how to get through the Covid-19 crisis unscathed and to do their bit to look after those who are sick.  This meant that elective surgeries, including cosmetic and plastic surgery, were cancelled.

The lockdown throughout Spain resulted in not just the cancellation of Marbella’s cosmetic surgery operations but also the closure of all cosmetic surgery clinics.

C O S M E T I C   S U R G E R Y   C L I N I C S    I N   M A R B E L L A   R E O P E N

Now that Marbella as part of Malaga Province has moved into Phase 3, clinics are now reopening and can once again offer clients face-to-face consultations.  As the cases of Covid-19 fall, hospitals and clinics will be able to gradually return to return elective surgery. When this happens, all medical facilities, staff and patients much adhere to the restrictions concerning hygiene and social distances where possible by operating a strict appointment system.

H O W   C O V I D – 1 9   W I L L   A F F E C T   C O S M E T I C   S U R G E R Y

If you have been waiting to for liposuction consultation at Pietro de Mauro’s clinic in Marbella, it is now possible but there are a number of things that must be taken into account before liposuction surgery can take place.

In addition to the usual patient information provided, you will need to declare whether you have had any Covid-19 symptoms (fever, cough, loss of smell or taste).  Any circumstances but especially if showing any of the Covid-19 symptom, it is ill advised to go ahead with the surgery. If you are feeling well, you still may be asked to quarantine yourself for a short period of time before your surgery in order to ensure your safety and to allow fast recovery.

C O S M E T I C   S U R G E R Y   R E C O V E R Y

Once your surgery has been undertaken, the recovery method and time would be similar and unless physical procedures are sutures are required, post-operative checks can be carried out via virtual consultations to reduce unnecessary risks to the patient and staff by visiting the clinic.

S A F E   A N D   S E C U R E   E N V I R O N M E N T

Dr. Pietro di Mauro’s clinic already adheres to the highest clinical standards and will continue to provide a safe and secure environment for his patients. Until a vaccine is available, all patients are urged to follow the government recommendations regarding hygiene, distance and most of all to look after themselves in order to stay healthy.

If you would like further details of the range of cosmetic surgeries provided by Dr. Pietro di Mauro call 648 43 45 93 or email [email protected].