Busting the myths and misconceptions behind plastic and cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is one of the few fields of medicine that still has an aura of intrigue and taboo. Even though today there is less stigma associated with undergoing an elective aesthetic procedure, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding this highly skilled field of surgery.  Being one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Marbella, Dr Pietro di Mauro hears many of the many myths, and would like to help debunk some of the misunderstandings and disinformation regarding plastic surgery.

1. Plastic surgery is solely for aesthetic purposes

No this is not the case, the field of plastic surgery includes reconstructive surgery, which can be used on patients who have had an accident, an illness or genetic condition. For example, in the case of breast cancer, craniofacial abnormalities or a cleft palate, plastic surgery can be used to restore form or function. You could say that reconstructive surgery is more about providing life-altering procedures, rather than attaining the desired aesthetic.

Plastic surgery uses many of the same processes as in cosmetic surgery, but cosmetic surgeons undergo less specialized training.  In simple terms, cosmetic surgery is only one small element within the field of plastic surgery.  It is possible to work as a cosmetic surgeon after undertaking a basic medical training and then acquiring specialist cosmetic surgery knowledge after completing the residency.  Whereas a plastic surgeon will undertake a residency covering all aspects of plastic surgery, followed by extensive study and reconstructive and plastic surgery training.

2. Cosmetic surgery always looks unnatural

One of the most enduring myths about cosmetic surgery is that the results will be instantly obvious and unnatural.  We’ve all seen the photos of extreme surgeries, where patients have taken their enhancements too far, resulting in overexaggerated unnatural features. However, it is widespread exposure to these examples of distorted features that have perpetuated the unrealistic perception of cosmetic surgery.

In reality, a well-trained and experienced surgeon will demonstrate skill and artistry, ensuring a balanced and natural outcome, rather than the mythical cartoon-like exaggerated features.  A natural look is not only possible, it is expected. Surgeons can achieve sophisticated results which make the patient look like a perkier, fresher version of themselves.

Dr di Mauro explains: “If a patient has too many facelifts or too large breast implants, the results will start to look unnatural. For example, the tell-tale stretched look of one-too many facelifts, is completely avoidable when using the appropriate techniques. Like all medical professionals, a cosmetic surgeon has a duty of care to their patients, and should assess their mental and physical suitability before agreeing to operate. If there is any doubt, such as unrealistic expectations, multiple previous surgeries or body dysmorphia which eventually leads to unnatural results, then surgery is not the best solution”.

3. Plastic surgery doesn’t leave a scar

It is a simple fact, any incision in the skin is going to leave a certain degree of scaring. The body creates scar tissue during the healing process, making it an inevitability. However, a skilled cosmetic surgeon can adopt methods that will minimize the visibility any scars.  The first method is to make the incisions where they will not be seen, for example with a facelift behind the ears or in the hairline. Similarly, when  carrying out a nose job the incision can be at the side of the nose or in between the nostrils. Although the scar will be visible in the first instance, it will fade and become almost invisible.  The type of sutures and the amount of tension on the wound play a part in the level of scarring. Another important part of ensuring minimal scarring is to carefully follow your personal post-operative after care plan, which will include measures to promote healing.

4. Cosmetic surgery is only for women

It is a fallacy that plastic surgery is only requested by female patents; in fact, there is a growing awareness, acceptance and demand for cosmetic surgery across the board. It is no longer viewed with the same stigma, today it is considered to be on par with personal grooming.  In the competitive job market, men are increasingly considering procedures such as anterior neck lifts in order to appear fresh and healthy, in order to compete with the younger generation.

The proliferation of images on social media have been instrumental in demystifying many of the myths and normalizing cosmetic procedures.  Dr di Mauro suggests that at least 20 per cent of patients are men.  In addition to the neck lift, the most common cosmetic procedures amongst male patients are nose jobs (rhinoplasty), liposuction and eyelifts (blepharoplasty) to help males maintain a more youthful appearance.  Another common male cosmetic surgery procedure is male breast reduction in order to create a more contoured silhouette.

5. Cosmetic surgery is permanent

Cosmetic surgery can rejuvenate, refresh and in essence appear to turn back the hands of time, but it cannot stop time from marching on.  In general, a facelift can last up to 15 years but you will continue to age according your DNA and lifestyle. Negative influences such as sun damage and smoking, for instance, can greatly diminish the longevity of the results achieved. However,  you can help prolong the benefits by adopting a healthy diet, taking regularly exercise and a stress-free lifestyle. Dr di Mauro recommends the following five tips for retaining a more youthful physique and face:

  1. Follow your personalised post-operative after care plan to the letter, attend follow up appointments and take only medications prescribed by your surgeon.
  2. Protect incisions from the sunshine.
  3. Stay hydrated.
  4. Eat a healthy diet in order to maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery in Marbella, find out more about Dr di Mauro’s cosmetic surgery expertise or qualifications by arranging a confidential no-obligation consultation, by calling 648 43 45 93.

Why is drinking alcohol not recommended after a facelift?

Alcohol has a dehydrating effect, which can cause premature aging. Alcohol consumption can result in tired and dull skin, weight gain and a host of medical issues, from hypertension to bone loss. In the case of a facelift, it can negatively impact your rate of healing, increasing bruising and swelling.

Why can’t I smoke after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Marbella?

Smoking is not recommended for any potential patient, prior or after a cosmetic procedure. The many dangers of smoking tobacco are well documented.  However, in the case of cosmetic surgery patients who have undergone a facelift or any other type of aesthetic treatment, smoking is extremely counter-productive.  Tobacco can significantly increase the rate at which the skin ages, it can also hamper the healing process and severely undermine the benefits are any cosmetic surgery procedure.  Why bother having a facelift, if you are going to speed up the aging process by smoking?

How many years before I need another facelift?

The longevity of the results can vary, from patient to patient, in general a facelift can last up to 15 years. DNA will dictate the rate at which aging occurs to a certain degree and also lifestyle will also play a role.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise and taking precautions will go a long way towards maintaining a youthful appearance.