For some of us, exercise and a healthy diet doesn´t give us the tight stomach we desire.
Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck can work to flatten and tighten the area, helping you feel happier with your body.

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Over time, pregnancy and losing weight can affect the abdomen, causing an excess of skin and fat which can be impossible to remove with exercise alone. A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure which makes the stomach flatter and more youthful. Sometimes a tummy tuck can be used in combination with liposuction to contour and sculpt the body.

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A tummy tuck surgery is categorised as a “complete abdominoplasty” which involves cutting the skin from hip to hip, contouring the skin, tissue and muscle and repositioning the navel, or a “mini abdominoplasty” can be done on those whose fat deposits are located below the navel and usually does not require the belly button to be repositioned.



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    We want what´s best for you and that is why it is vital that you have an initial consultation at our clinic. This means that Dr di Mauro can give you the best results! Our services are completely personalised and delivered by a surgeon with over 10 years of specialised training.

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    The initial consultation will consider the patient´s eligibility for surgery, taking into account diet, exercise and any medications taken by the patient.


    Typically takes between 2 and 5 hours, depending on whether the operation is a mini or complete procedure. A general anaesthetic is required and patients should expect to stay at the clinic for a night or two.


    The area that´s operated on will be stitched and bandaged so it is very important to follow the surgeon´s guidelines on wound care. Each patient will be given a tailored recovery plan and will receive follow up appointments to check healing.


    A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that tightens and improves the contour of the tummy area by removing excess fat and skin. Tummy tucks are often part of a ‘mommy makeover’ as a means of smoothing the changes to the midsection caused by pregnancy.  Similarly, if dramatic weight loss can result in a drooping excess skin, as can the natural effects of aging or genetics. A tummy tuck (complete abdominoplasty) like any type of invasive surgery, should only be considered for people who are fit and healthy.  If you are planning becoming pregnant or want to continue to lose weight, the results of your tummy tuck could be undone.

    No two people are the same, everyone has a different level of fitness, genetics and level of skin elasticity, therefore people heal at different rates. In general, after undergoing a tummy tuck you will need to be off work for at least one month and you should avoid lifting any heavy objects for a further two weeks after you have returned. During the month you are recovering you will need to wear a compression garment and follow your surgeon’s personalised after care plan.

    Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a ‘tummy tuck’, is an operation to remove fat and excess skin from the tummy. It can also be used to repair abdominal muscles that have become separated, for example during pregnancy.  Liposuction is used to improve the body’s silhouette by sculpting out localised areas of fatty tissue.  You can find out more in our blog, “Marbella cosmetic surgeon Dr Pietro di Mauro explains the difference between liposuction and abdominoplasty.

    The first and most important step before any cosmetic surgery is to arrange a one-to-one consultation with your surgeon. During this consultation, you will be told the steps involved in abdominoplasty, firstly you will be given a general anaesthetic. The shape of the incision will depend upon the amount of work needed, for example the amount of fat and excess skin to be removed and whether muscle repair is required.  The excess skin will be pulled and trimmed and a new hole will be created for the belly button. The incision will then be secured. After the tummy tuck, you will be required to stay in the clinic for one or two nights to monitor your progress. You will be issued with personalised recovery plan.

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    Complete your details and we will be in touch

      We want what´s best for you and that is why it is vital that you have an initial consultation at our clinic. This means that Dr di Mauro can give you the best results! Our services are completely personalised and delivered by a surgeon with over 10 years of specialised training.

      By completing this contact form, you agree that you understand the importance of attending an initial appointment with Dr di Mauro before requesting prices.

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