Eyes are an important part of our personality, they captivate, entice and draw people in. Whether our eyes are actually a window to our soul is debatable, but they are definitely the first feature that people notice. The purpose of the eye is to capture and make sense of images, yet they also communicate expressing emotions and interest by subtly contacting.


The definition of beautiful eyes is different all over the world, with preferences for different colours and shapes. Yet there is one issue on which everyone agrees, at some point in our life the natural aging process will kick in and our eyes will start to look a little tired and not as young and fresh as they used to. The loss of elasticity and the pull of gravity on the skin and fat surrounding the eyes can cause, bagging, sagging and bulging. In some extremely cases, sagging skin creates folds in the upper eyelid that can impair vision.


Good genes and a healthy lifestyle can hold back the hands of time to a certain extent, however as we age, we lose elasticity causing sagging and the fat cushion surrounding the eyeballs can migrate causing bulges above and below the eye. The membrane holding the fat in place weakens allowing the fat to present similar to a hernia above the eyelid.


An eyelift (Blepharoplasty to use the medical term) is one of the most effective solutions for addressing the effects of aging, resulting in a more youthful rejuvenated appearance. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from above and / or below the eyes to create a brighter, fresher look.


If you are considering undergoing an eyelift, Dr. Pietro di Mauro a leading practitioner of cosmetic surgery in Marbella, stresses that first and foremost potential patients should be healthy and they should have realistic expectations. It is essential to attend a consultation with your surgeon to ascertain your suitability and to discuss your required outcome. For example, the procedure will not dramatically change your face, instead it will achieve a refreshed appearance. The majority of patients undergoing this type of cosmetic surgery are aged 35 years and above, although it can be carried out sooner if you have inherited genetically droopy eyelids.


Before committing to an eyelift or any other type of cosmetic surgery, it is crucial to undertake thorough research to in order to a cosmetic surgeon with the right experience and expertise within the appropriate field.

Dr. Pietro di Mauro, an expert in the field of cosmetic surgery in Marbella, explains: “Choosing a doctor with right experience and qualifications is paramount when undergoing any type of surgery. It is possible to research doctors online to get an idea of their abilities and patient satisfaction rates. However, it is during the first consultation that you will get a real sense of your doctor’s knowledge. Once you have explained the type of surgery and the desired results, for example an eyelift to look younger, your doctor will assess you case and discuss the options and expected results”.

The initial consultation will include detailed discussions about your medical history, general fitness and any necessary examinations. You will be apprised of the pros and cons, the process, the duration and recovery time.


Before you undergo an eyelift there is a check list that you should follow to make sure you are prepared. The first point may seem obvious, but you need to arrange for someone to collect you from the clinic and to stay with you during the first night after the operation. Book some time off work and clear your diary for a few days, your eyes will be swollen and bruised after the surgery and it will not be possible for you to work or undertake your usual activities until your eyelids begin to heal.

You may experience dry eyes for a couple of weeks after the surgery, so you’ll need to stock up on artificial tears (eyedrops) and eye wipes or small gauze pads. It is advisable to have some icepacks and clean towels to hand.


The blepharoplasty surgery will only take between 1 to 3 hours including preparation. The operation will be carried out using the latest technique such as radio frequency surgical instruments or a laser. You will most likely be sedated using a local anaesthetic.

The incisions will be made along the crease of your eyelid, either below the lash line on the inner eyelid. This will allow the doctor to remove and reposition the skin and fat, and tighten the muscles. On the upper lid, the incision will be closed with stitches which will need to be removed after a few days.

Lower eyelid surgery doesn’t always require stiches, it will depend upon the technique used and where the incision has been made. Your doctor may also recommend a chemical peel or laser resurfacing to soften the lines round the eyes for even better results.


After the eyelift, it is normal for your eyes to sensitive to light, blurry, dry or watery immediately after surgery. Assuming there are no complications (bleeding, infection or abnormal colouring) you will be able to leave the clinic (accompanied as mentioned above). You will be provided with a personalised post-operative plan by your doctor, which will include applying icepacks and sleeping in an upright position on the first night.


The results of your eyelift should be evidence within two weeks, as they gradually start to look normal again. The benefits of eyelid surgery should last for around 7 years.


If you would like to find out more about Dr. Pietro di Mauro’s cosmetic surgery procedures get in touch for a confidential no-obligation personalised consultation, by calling call 648 43 45 93.